Published in Gaming

Crytek working other new title?

by on01 August 2011

Apparently isn’t Ryse or new Timesplitters
Rumors are circling about Crytek, apparently in the early stages of development of some new and unannounced title. This title apparently does not have anything to do with Crysis and it isn’t Ryse for Kinect that they are doing for Microsoft, and despite the desires of many it isn’t a new Timesplitters game.

If what we are hearing is correct and we are to believe what a developer has written on LinkedIn, the title could be a new shooter title that is believed to be either codenamed or called Redemption. Mum seems to be the word if this is the case, as others we have checked with know nothing about this. We will just have to wait and see. If correct, we expect to hear about it at E3 next year.

Superannuation was the first to spot this on LinkedIn post about it here.

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