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Trump wants to put Musk in charge of government efficiency

by on06 September 2024

What could possibly go wrong?

Republican US presidential hopeful Donald Trump wants to put the man who stripped Twitter of 71 per cent of its value and turned it into a haven for right-wing groups to be in charge of government efficency.

Trump said he would establish a government efficiency commission headed by billionaire supporter Elon Musk if he wins the 5 November 5 election.

People with knowledge of those conversations have told Reuters that Trump had been discussing the idea of an efficiency commission with aides for weeks. His Thursday speech, however, was the first time he publicly endorsed the idea.

It was also the first time Trump said Musk had agreed to head the body. Trump did not detail how such a commission would operate, except to say it would develop a plan to eliminate “fraud and improper payments” within six months of being formed.

“I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government,” Trump told an audience that included his former treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, and financiers Scott Bessent and John Paulson.

Musk said on an August 19 podcast that he had conversations with the former president about the commission and would be interested in serving on it.

“I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises,” the Tesla chief wrote on X on Thursday. “No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.”

Last modified on 06 September 2024
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