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From the ashes of Blackrock comes ShortRound

by on21 June 2011

Studio already has two demos in production
A second studio has formed from the ashes of those cast off from Blackrock. The next studio to join RoundCube Entertainment (which has former Blackrock employees Nick Baynes and Ian Monaghan at the helm) will be a new studio called ShortRound Games. The studio was said to have been founded in August last year way before the layoffs.

ShortRound has a team consisting Andrew Hubbard, Kim Burrows, Stuart Pharoah, and Steve Uphill, who were all from Blackrock studios. ShortRound already has two demos in production and they are apparently eager to show off some footage from these two demos in the weeks ahead. These two demos were already in development prior to the departure from Blackrock and after getting the news that they would be let go.

Currently, ShortRound is talking to a number of publishers, but no deal has been reached. It is expected that once these demos drop that should help their case. According to the powers that be at ShortRound, the studio is perhaps targeting development on the iPhone or Sony’s new Vita as a niche where the studio might find work, as there are a number of publishers looking for talent to work on projects for these platforms.

You can read more here.


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