Apple Pay is the Apple III of finance
We told you so
While the Tame Apple Press claimed that Apple’s moves into the finance world with its Apple Pay service would be “game-changing” “super” and “great” we had grave doubts it would make much impact – it looks like we were right.
Chinese want shedloads of fingerprint sensors
Expected to buy 2-300 million of them
Chinese smartphone vendors will ship an estimated 200-300 smartphones featuring fingerprint-recognizing functions this year.
Barclays stalls Apple Pay
Maybe next year
Barclays’ Bank is not signing up for Apple pay at least until next year.
Apple Pay's London launch is a disaster
Mind the Gap in expectations
The launch of Apple Pay in the UK has been a complete disaster, the software does not work, the system charges you double, and some leading banks do not support it yet.
Apple pay dooms itself in UK
Too inflexible
Apple is having a huge problem getting its Apple Pay off the ground in the US, so now it is having a crack at the UK.
Apple tries to off-load Apple Pay on the Brits
No luck in the US
While US retailers have treated Apple Pay with a loud resounding yawn, Jobs' Mob thinks it will have more like with the British.
Apple Pay being accepted in UK
Tesco leads the way
Apple Pay was supposed to launch in Europe sometime this year, but it seems it's already alive and kicking in Britain, at least in some colations.
America dismisses Apple Pay
Only greenbacks in the Land of the Fee
It seems that the artificial hype generated by the Tame Apple Press about Apple Pay is failing to interest the man on the street.
Fraudsters love Apple Pay
Security, they have heard of it
Apple's over hyped mobile payment system Apple Pay has been hit by a wave of fraudulent transactions using stolen credit-card data.
Apple Pay increases fraud
The price of trusting Jobs' Mob security
Apple's security, which is about as effective as the guards in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, is suddenly finding itself in trouble when dealing with people's finances.